Famous Dutch journalist Micha Kat ends hunger strike

Famous Dutch journalist Micha Kat ends hunger strike

Dutch journalist Micha Kat, who yesterday announced he would be going on hunger strike, has ended his terrible ordeal

Micha Kat: "For 7 hours I was on a hunger strike. It was a gruelling experience. I've read much about the infamous I.R.A. hunger strike, and the dutch hongerwinter, but you can only know what it's like when you experience it yourself. For lunch today, they were serving cold porridge and carrot, two of my absolute favorites. With heavy heart and a hungry stomach I declined, because I'm doing this for the children. Around 16:30 in the afternoon, word spread around the wing that tonight would be pancake night. Coincedentally it was around this time I decided I was winning this hunger strike and it was no longer necessary to carry it on, everyone has heard about it by now."

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