Pritzker Warns Mandating Masks Inside Peoples Houses are a Possibility

Pritzker Warns Mandating Masks Inside Peoples Houses are a Possibility

Governor JB Pritzker has Warned Illinoisans that He could be Mandating Masks In People Houses if COVID 19 Cases Continue to Climb In the State. " You Know, Many Times I have said Just Wear A mask for Your Safety and others, but if Cases continue to climb in this Great State, Then Mandating Masks Inside Peoples Houses are a Possibility" Said JB Pritzker in a Private Press Meeting. This is the FIrst Time a Person that Works for the Government anywhere around the World that has Threatend to Mandate Masks Inside Peoples Houses. But one Guy we interviewed says he does not want that Kind of Mandate. "I don't think you should Mandate it inside of Your house, that is very stupid and since its their House, you cant enforce it because they bought the house" said the Guy In Chicago. So every Illinoisan should be Prepared to file lawsuits if it does happen! Stay tuned for more!

Tory leadership hopeful Tom Tugendhat says he would be prepared to leave ECHR

Conservative leadership candidate Tom Tugendhat has said he is prepared to leave the European Convention on Human Rights if it "doesn't serve our interests".

Welsh parliament recalled for vote on new first minister

The Welsh parliament has been recalled from summer recess so members can vote for a new first minister.

PM says bills will come down with GB Energy - as he hails 'game changer' Crown Estate deal

Sir Keir Starmer has said he is confident household bills will come down as part of the government's drive to deliver the publicly owned energy firm GB Energy.

The powder keg of prisons is now Labour's responsibility

When Labour got into government, they described prisons as a powder keg ready to blow.

Ex-veterans minister gives Afghan killings inquiry 'further information' amid naming row

An ex-veterans minister has "provided further information" to the Afghanistan inquiry after a row over whether he would reveal the names of people who told him about alleged murders committed by UK special forces in the country.

87 prisoners released by mistake last year - as violence and self-harm rose in overcrowded prisons

A record number of prisoners were released in error last year, as violence and self-harm rose in increasingly overcrowded prisons, new statistics reveal.

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