What's really going on in Blue Lake, Oroville, Washington?

What's really going on in Blue Lake, Oroville, Washington?

Oroville, WA - Reports are on the upswing of the mythical "Blue Lake Monster" as eye witness have spotted something rather strange. It's unknown what is really in blue lake up in the mountains of east Oroville.

There have been reports since 1862 of a monster in Blue Lake. But for over a century things have been largely quiet. But since the recent pandemic things have gotten strange. The area is mountainous but free range, a local rancher said he lost two cattle so far this year. Even the geese no longer swim in the center of the lake. Local resident Andrea Parker was kayaking when we caught up with her to ask what she thought, "I don't think it bothers people, I feel perfectly safe. It's like our own mascot!" she exclaimed. We contacted the Oroville and Okanogan County authorities about the 20+ reports that have been filed, but none responded back. - Jack Lomisk 

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